Topinambur and diabetes


Diabetes is one of the most serious problems in clinical medicine today. It is the third major cause of mortality after cardiovascular and oncological diseases. During the last years there has been an increase in diabetes morbidity worldwide. Over 20 million people in the world suffer from diabetes. This number is particularly high in the USA (two million). There is one region, however, where people have never had symptoms of this disease. In the valley of the Kuban River doctors have not diagnosed a single case of diabetes for the last hundred years. The local population in this region traditionally includes large quantities of topinambur in their daily diets. Thus, unpremeditatedly and without realizing it, the people living on the banks of the great river undergo powerful prophylaxis against diabetes and other illnesses.

Inulin – a vegetable dietary fiber

Topinambur is a natural source of inulin

Topinambur (earth apple) is a plant with a high content of inulin. Its great advantage over other natural sources of inulin (dandelion, chicory, etc.) is based on several facts: it is ready for direct consumption; topinambur dishes are tasty and at the same time healthy; it is suitable for processing and using in different sectors of the food industry; its inulin content is higher than in other vegetable species – up to 70% of the total dry matter; topinambur has unique chemical composition and together with its biologically active substances imparts radioprotective and immunomodelling action to the products in which it is included.

Main properties of vegetable inulin

• modifies the colonic microflora, enhances the growth of bifidobacteria;

• lowers blood sugar levels of people with diabetes, improves lipid metabolism, thus preventing diabetes-related complications (retinopathy, angiopathy) etc;

• lowers cholesterol, triglycerides and phospholipids levels in blood; reduces the risk factors in cardiovascular disorders;

• eliminates toxins, salts and radionuclides the body;

• promotes normal functioning of the gastric-intestinal tract, eliminates constipation;

• prevents oncological diseases;

• exerts immunomodelling and hepatoprotective effect;

• improves the assimilation and utilization of vitamins and minerals in the body: ??, Mg, Zn, ?u, Fe and ?

Necessity of inulin intake

As a curative-prophylactic and dietary product in the following illnesses and conditions:

• Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes

• obesity

• atherosclerosis

• ischemic heart disease

• myocardial infarction

• supporting therapy of chemotherapy

• kidney and gall bladder stones

• constipation

• immune deficiency

• contact with radionuclides

• osteochondrosis